It’s that time of year (at least in Arizona) when kids go back
to school and parents are inundated with school forms to fill out. I’ve lived
in the same house in the same school district for fourteen years. I have five
children, which means I’ve had to fill out roughly five billion forms. You
would think the school would use a computer printout that I could just
initial, but no. That would be modern. And convenient.
At least now my kids are old enough that I can make them
fill out some of the forms. My teen daughter was filling out forms and asked me
who to put on the list of approved people who could pick her up from the school.
“George Clooney,” I told her. “But only if he agrees to come
in the house and talk to me when he’s dropping you off."
“I would go with George Clooney,” she said.
(By George, we would both get in a car with this man.)
In that spirit, I decided to do an entire blog on who is allowed to pick up my daughter from school.
Taylor Swift. She would probably give my daughter good
dating advice. If you know a guy is trouble when he walks in, stay far away
from him.
All other rock stars. Most of them seem to have death wishes and want to party like it's the last night of their life. I don’t want them driving my daughter anywhere.
Not allowed:

Prince Harry. He says he’s going to teach his nephew how to
have fun. Since Harry’s last batch of fun produced pictures of him wearing
nothing but freckles, I certainly hope Will and Kate put the kibosh
on that idea.
Luke Skywalker. I chose him because I can’t think of any other
celebrities I would allow in a car with my daughter so I’m resorting to
fictional characters. Plus Luke has the force, and that’s really cool.
Any congressmen, ex-congressmen, mayors, or mayoral
candidates. Especially Anthony Weiner. What is it with these people and
why can’t they keep their pants on?
Anyway, that is my list of people who are allowed and not allowed to stroll into the school office and pick up my daughter. Feel free to print it out and send it to your school as well.
Happy forming!
***Goodreads is giving away ten copies of Slayers with the new, cooler cover. You can enter here: ***
Anyway, that is my list of people who are allowed and not allowed to stroll into the school office and pick up my daughter. Feel free to print it out and send it to your school as well.
Happy forming!
Okay, I would allow Johnny Dep to pick my daughter up from school too, because he is still that cool despite the fact that I can't find anyone who actually liked the Lone Ranger.
(We forgive you, Johnny)
***Goodreads is giving away ten copies of Slayers with the new, cooler cover. You can enter here: ***
Taylor Swift would be perfect. We're always listening to her CD on the way home from school anyway, my daughter could just ask her to start at the top with track one and she'd be set.
Hilarious! At some point I always start to fill out one of the forms with my own information.
On an unrelated note - I am probably behind but I saw new book covers in your side bars for book 1 and 2 of slayers! They look like movie posters. :)
I've always wanted to talk with Taylor Swift. She just seems so personable :)
Valerie and Tiana, an added benefit of having Taylor pick up your kids, is that she could sing to them in the car. Think of the commercials you wouldn't have to sit through.
ES, Yep, I'm getting excited for Slayers: Friends and Traitors debut. It's close!
Good list. I don't have any kids, but I can't argue with any of your picks. =)
Heather, start keeping a mental list should you ever need it. That way when the school asks, you'll be prepared.
My dad is a big empathizer when it comes to school forms. See, he has seven daughters...
Let's just say I learned quick how to fill those out by myself.
Fabulous post, Janette. You had me at George Clooney. I'm going to have to think about who can and can't pick up my kids now.
So glad our schools have finally gotten all forms online! Of course this happened when my youngest is a senior. Rule at our house is to fill our the forms, then submit for parental signature. When the whole fam was at home I had an inbox just for that purpose. (No fair waiting until time to leave for school, either!)
Love your A list. I would love to have Taylor Swift visit our school to kick off our Read Every Day theme for this school year. Spent the whole day she was in town trying to figure a way to get to visit with her. Yay for webinars!
Beedubs, I feel your father's pain.
Shelly, I think we should all make this sort of list. I'd like to see them put Luke Skywalker on the approved pick-up list.
Cyber Ann, I'm glad to hear that there is some school out there that finally has the forms online. Maybe it will eventually happen in our district.
Did Taylor Swift do a webinar for you? I'll be seriously impressed if she did--and jealous too.
Where's Apollo and/or Adama on the list?
I loved The Lone Ranger! What does that mean? My taste is broken?
I liked your list of who is and isn't allowed to pick your daughter up from school. It was droll.
I have to say I completely agree. I wish my parents were a bit more creative when filling out those forms! And I would definitely enjoy being picked up from school by Johnny Depp, that would be an interesting ride home.
Too funny! I love this list!! I might let Betty White pick up my little man from school...but only if she agreed to stay for dinner after.
hermoso Johnny
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