Mom (This is not my mom, by the way. My mom still hasn't figured out how to write Amazon reviews. Sigh.)
Tiana Smith
Let me know your address at jrallisonfans at yahoo dot com and then tell me your choice of:
Slayers; Erasing Time; My Fair Godmother; How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-boyfriend; My Double Life; Just One Wish; It's a Mall World After All; Life, Love and the Pursuit of Free Throws; or Revenge of the Cheerleaders; or ebooks of Masquerade; or Blue Eyes and Other Teenage Hazards
Happy reading!
And for every one else. Don't worry, there will be an ARC giveaway for Slayers: Friends and Traitors in a month and a massive giveaway the end of September through the release day of Slayers: Friends and Traitors. So stay tuned!
Yay! Thank you! And thanks for making it easy to write a glowing review. :)
Wahoo! I won :) I'll send you an email.
This is awesome!
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Thans for sharing this post ^^
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