Notice any differences? I didn't. (Which is why I'm lousy at all of those picture games where you're supposed to find six differences in what appear to be two identical pictures.) Anyway, I'm very happy with it. It's an awesome cover.
The book is coming out September 2012, and I'm writing the sequel right now. (Must figure out a way to put the cover on my sidebar and website . . .)
I love it:) Can't wait for it to be out!
OOHH!!! Love it=)
It's awesome! I love it! Might just pick it up when it's released. No, I didn't see the other cover so I don't see any differences. This is just so cool! It really catches the eye. can you give me the summary of the book?
Ohh, nice!!
I guess I should really come up with a description. How about this one:
Scientists of the 25th century build a time strainer and hope it will bring them a scientist from the 21st century. Instead, it brings them identical twin sisters, Sheridan and Taylor. The girls find out that the 25th century isn't such a nice place to be. With the help of a young and handsome historian named Echo, try to escape from the city. But Echo has so many secrets of his own, they're never sure whether they can trust him.
Ooooh! Me likey! Yet another thing to pre-order from Amazon...I'm sure my hunky hubby's gonna like hearing that...! ;)
Tell him it's a gift for him . . . Then he can't complain, right?
love it!!!!! I so so so loved this book!!!!! I am so excited to see it coming out
Do you have a specific website for C.J. Hill' Books?
Yep. It's CJHillbooks.com
NICE! Congrats, Ms. Rallison!
Love it! I've been scanning Amazon to see when your next book will be out (under either your name or pen name). Can't wait!!!
YAY! So excited! I have been waiting (more like anticipating really) your next book, as I do for all your books. I still haven`t been able to get my hands on Slayers though.
Sounds good! Can't wait to read it!! :)
Oh I loved that one, I can't wait to see how you've changed it (other than the obvious now they're twins instead of best friends)! And a sequel too? I'm oh-so-very excited!
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