It's that special time of year--the time when I lose the Whitney Award to someone else. (This year, to Rob Wells for his book Variant.) As is the tradition (that I started, by the way. I am an experienced loser.) the losers gather after the event to drown their sorrow in cheesecake and to glower. Personally, I think it's the funnest thing that happens at the Whitneys.

And here's another picture where Melanie Jacobson joined us in the cheesecake circle. You can see Dan Wells is trying to sneak into the picture--because yes, we are that cool. But he is totally not part of our in crowd. True, he lost his category, but then he went and blew his photo op opportunity by winning best book. Whatever, Dan. Maybe you can join us next year.
You are always a winner to me, Janette. I've loved every thing you have written. I'm glad you started this tradition. it gives me a reason to go to the whitney banquet. It scares me how much I look forward to this.
And seriously? We make the banquet look good!
Sorry that you lost but you really know how to take it well =)
A nice tradition, by the way!
Yep Julie, during the banquet, I found myself paying more attention about who could be in the picture with me than I was about the actual award. That's probably a good thing. Maybe.
Thanks, The Girl, it helps to be in the company of such other great writers.
Love the pictures! And I love that you have the dark clothing theme going on. Definitely adds. :)
Yeah, Janet, we're clearly a pretty EMO bunch. Nobody gave Melanie the memo, apparently.
I love the pics. Were you deliberately placed by the exit signs? There's always another year.
It's really good to use a sense of humour about it.Wonder what tradition you would've started had you won. BTW They should at least do 2nd and 3rd runner ups.
Ha ha, this is a very healthy approach :) It's almost like you all planned it by wearing all black ...
Debbie, The exit sign was coincidence, but I think we should make sure we always incorporate it into the photo shoots. It just adds that special loser quality.
A Johnson, the world will never know . . .
Tiana,black works on so many levels.
I love you, Janette. You always make me laugh and that's better than winning a Whitney any day. Right? Heh.
when life hands you lemon, make some lemon cheesecake, sit back and enjoy, because, hey, atleast you got lemons.
but then again, no one's ever a loser. just an underdog, waiting for that moment to jump up and take a huge bite of success ;D
(am a new reader of yours :) blog and books )
Sarah, absolutely. (Although making you laugh has never gotten me a trophy with my name inscribed on it . . .)
Mrs. Far-away. Glad to meet you. I should suggest to the committee that next year they serve lemon cheesecake. Fitting.
These "loser" photos are so funny! I always crack up when I see them. But I do think you don't really belong in them since everything you write is a winner!
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