Sunday, April 08, 2012

What I'm doing now

You'd think that after writing twenty plus novels it wouldn't be hard anymore. Maybe it wouldn't be if I kept writing the same novel over and over again. (Hey it worked for Barbara Cartland . . .) But unfortunately I keep writing different novels and the one I'm working on right now is an action novel. Yep, action.

Action, I've decided, is hard for me to write. I mean it's such a visual thing in a non visual medium. Plus, I've never really cared about fight scenes or car chases. Give me witty banter or romantic smoldering looks any day.

I was trying to make my daughter help me with a good guy-bad guy fight scene for the Erasing Time sequel and needed something to stand in for my people, so I grabbed a marker and some grapefruit that were on the counter.

Yes, This is what I've resorted to:

I'm pretty sure Ian Fleming didn't use this method. Sigh. And in case you're wondering, the pineapple is just an innocent bystander.


Joseph S. Ramirez said...

Citrus are a such a violent fruit, no? Especially the ones with mean faces.

So... do you think this system could possibly work for the smoldering look scenes?


gaylene said...

poor pineapple. I hope no fruits were harmed in the making of that action scene!

Tiana Smith said...

That pineapple never knew what hit him. I've done something similar, though it was with paper towels. By the time I was done, practically the entire roll was in very itty bitty pieces. My roommates, since I was unmarried at the time, thought I had gone completely batty when they came home to our kitchen frosted in paper towel pieces. In my defense, epic fight scenes need epic staging ...

Unknown said...

I feel so bad for that innocent little pineapple.

Donna Hatch, historical and fantasy author said...

Clearly I need to use more fruit in my action scenes! Great idea!!!

How did it turn out, btw?

Jenilyn Collings said...

I have the sudden urge to go draw faces on all my fruit now...

Merry said...

Hahahaha! That is such a good idea!

Britney Gulbrandsen said...

This is probably one of my all-time favorite blog posts. Hilarious.

emily said...

I'm sure the pineapple was fine, people. They're covered in prickles.

Liz said...

Love this! It sure beats Barbie & GI Joe ;) Dual purpose fruit probably kicks some major hiney!

Y u think funny dad said...

I can relate, I can come up with these of the wall jokes, great comebacks when I am joking around with the kids - but when it comes to putting those jokes on paper [ I draw funny comics ] it's almost an ordeals just to figure out how even to start?

Prettypics123 said...

I was wondering about the pineapple. Thanks! Very creative. And congratulations on being named a blog of note. Your blog is truly inspiring!

Ahmad Mustafa said...

my heart cry, poor pineapple

HeideB said...

Made me laugh. I like having physical pictures to inspire my imagination but never thought of using fruits!

Unknown said...

pineapple is my favorite fruit!

Sibirya Kurdu said...

Siteniz çok güzel olmuş.Herkesin ilgisini çeken konulara dikkat çekiyorsunuz.Başarılar. sitesinede bekleriz.

Allerednic said...

Hey Janette, what email address do I send my physical address to? The "contact Janette" link won't work on my laptop. . .

Janette Rallison said...

Hi all, I'm back from a cruise and trying to get caught up. (And despite best intentions, I didn't work at sea.)

First off, you guys are so funny! I think I have the funniest commenters. (And that's without taking the Turkish into consideration. The action scene is mostly done. I need to make changes. It will probably involve chainsaws.

Allerednic, send your physical address to

Marika said...

Poor pineapple :-)
Ciao !

Jessy said...

hey whatever works for you!

OttoBarrow said...

Hmm... I think the best solution would be to have a good view in your head of what is happening; the fruit idea is original,interesting and will (I hope) be a help to your writing.

Bibek Gurung said...

so this is how an action novel is written.... :D

abcdef said...

Besides a Pineapple have an other fruit, I do not see clearly. What is it name?

Anonymous said...

Pineapples hmmm, wasn't there a football player some years ago had a pineapple haircut?

Unknown said...

mmm very creative.. i like it :D

The Couch Author said...

Interesting approach haha! Please visit my blog, I'm writing my first novel too! Would love your input..

Silentwhisper1 said...

I suppose one needs to draw from just about anything in this situation,lol. If it works? all the power to you:)

mArimalAriA said...


LED Light said...

wow so lovely !

Denisa said...
