Books make great presents. And I'm not just saying that because the paperback version of My Fair Godmother came out yesterday.
Years ago my sister told me the secret to happy children on Christmas morning. You can't just buy them stuff, you have to give them something to do after they're done unwrapping things. If they're bored, they'll whine and think they didn't get anything.
So this year I'm giving lots of books. Fiction, non-fiction, and comic books (Pearls Before Swine--my favorite is pig).
Today my middle daughter and her brother were arguing over the computer. "Let me have it today," middle daughter said. "I won't be using it at all on Christmas."
My husband thought I was nuts when I suggested going to B & N to get the kids some books. Glad I'm not the only one that loves giving books for Christmas. Unfortunately, I didn't see any of yours that we don't already have. Time to go to Changing Hands:)
If only I could convince my six year old that he loves to read...
Books are great gifts! When people ask my 3 year old son what he wants for Christmas he says, "books!" It makes me so proud, and I hope it doesn't change.
I wish my family and friends liked to read! My favorite gifts to give(and receive)are books.
Perhaps you should talk my Mother into getting some,considering she got me bookmarks,without any new books..... :(
Bookmarks and no books? Cruel, indeed. Maybe your friends will come through with books.
I gave gifts to as many of my husband's family that had them on their wishlist, AND I got bonus points for buying them from an independant bookstore.
Hi, Janette. I will definitely be giving some books this holiday season. Can I ask a small favor? Will you mention this website in one of your blog entries: http://www.savethemanatee.org/default.html
It's a site about "adopting" manatees, lest they become extinct. This cause is very important to me, so if you could just quickly post the link, perhaps, that would be great. Thank you.
My gift certificate from B&N was used towards the purchase of My Fair Godmother (which I just finished and totally loved).
I love giving books as gifts but I love receiving them more!
I received My Fair Godmother from my hubby on Christmas! I was so excited! It's my favorite out of your books so far. That, and Just One Wish!:) My favorite gifts to receive are books, hands down.
Luck indeed my mom got me books! Two out of three were yours! :D
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