On some days I don't feel like a real writer. I know, it's weird, but I've heard other writers say the same thing. I doubt plumbers ever feel this way. Or Doctors. I mean you never walk into an examining room and find that the doctor only sheepishly admits to his proffession.
Maybe it's because there are so many books out there. Generally when you tell the person sitting next to you on the airplane (or your child's teacher, or your neighbor)that you are a writer, they inevidably have never heard of you or your books. It's just hard to feel like a real writer in the face of all that anonymity.
But today I feel like a real writer. Thanks Scholastic. I love you!!
Oh, awesome! That's got to feel good!
Way to go, writer woman! That is a wonderful place to find your book.
The only reason you don't feel like a real writer all the time is that you don't have your real writer certificate.
Fantastic! Go you!
You must be a real writer. My daughter bought two of your books at our last Scholastic book fair (in Canada! You're international!). It must feel good to see your book on the cover of the book order.
Wow! That should help with name and title recognition! Be sure you keep a clean copy and frame it and put it on the wall where you like to write.
a note about word verification: ever try to read those words that blogger has you type in to verify you're human? Well, I'm terrible at spelling so that might be the problem, but those aren't words I know. :)
Wow. That is so cool
Janni, I was thinking of you when I said that other writers felt the same way. (Actually I wrote that writer's feel the same way, because it was after midnight and my brain wasn't working. Really, I shouldn't blog at night . . .)
Congrats! I would order that book just for you right now, but i allready have it.
Terrific, Janette!
Oh, yay! I loves those things. I used to circle practically every book, and be incredibly disappointed when my Mom said no. You are so a real writer!
How exciting! I was over at the Scholastic Warehouse sale before Christmas and saw you (well, your books) in a few places. I wanted to hold up your book, jump up and daow and say, "This is my friend!!!" :)
Wohoo--We saw you in it and my kids all think you and I are like best freinds, so keep it up the act for me to get my props, k?
You know that you're reviewed in the latest BYU Magazine, right? I'm so proud of you! xoxo
Yeah, I flipped through the magazine and was quite surprised and excited to see my book there. So it's a double dose of feeling like a real writer.
lptxnmbthat is just so dang cool! And of course you're a real writer. I don't spend hard earned dollars on the fake ones :) I'd be buying it this way, but I am waiting for the conference when I can get you to sign one for me.
Didn't I tell you about the time I saw them selling a 4-pack of your books in scholastic? It was when I was in my YA Lit class, and I told everyone about it. :)
Way to go, Janette!
HOORAY for you! That's so exciting...now go frame that scholastic ad so you can remember that you are a writer! :)
You made the front page! Congratulations!
sometimes I dont feel like a human does that count?
It's just hard to feel like a real writer in the face of all that anonymity.
Glyn Willmoth
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