Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Partying with authors

I'm always up for a party--as long as it is at somebody else's house. Having a party at my house inevitably means that I have to nag my children for 24 hours straight to pick up their junk, do their jobs, etc. My children combat my efforts by working at the same rate that fossils solidify and by vanishing every time I'm not physically making eye contact with them. I tell a child to take out the garbage and poof, he or she is gone for an hour.

So yeah, I don't do a lot of entertaining.

Thankfully the same isn't true for my author friends because we just held our second Teacher/Librarian appreciation party at Amy Dominy's home. Our awesome publishers donated not only copies of our books to give to educators, but also provided other books and swag as well.

Here's a picture of us hiding behind our books. Authors do that a lot.

Here's a picture of us being more social. You can see Lisa McMann, Bill Konigsberg, Me, Jon Lewis, Aprilynne Pike, (second row) Shelly Coriell, Janni Lee Simner, Angela Morrison, Amy Dominy, Nancy Bo Flood, (First row) Suzanne Young, Erin Lange, James Owen

Here's a picture of all the awesome books publisher's donated. (Photos by Zac Dunn)
 Oh, and by the way, this is Amy's laundry room. Seriously. I soo have laundry room jealousy now. For some reason that I have never fully understood, builders all put dining rooms into houses--which people never use--but think homeowners all want to do their laundry in cubical-like closets.

If any architects are currently reading my blog, do us all a favor and switch that around.

The captain is our unofficial blow-up mascot. A man in a cape and underwear is always fun at a party.
Thanks publishers for being so generous, and thanks teachers and librarians for all that you do!


Tiana Smith said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the pic of you all hiding behind your books.

And YES! Why are laundry rooms so stinkin small?

CJ Hill said...

Clearly, architects don't do laundry but they do eat their dinners in the carpeted dining rooms they keep putting in our houses. I have never eaten in any of my dining rooms in the last three houses. Never. But I do have a really cute table and chairs that I inherited from my grandma, so yeah, at least I have somewhere to put that.

Alex said...

Looks like a great time!

Anonymous said...

Jealous. Wish I could have gone to such an awesome event! Teachers need all the help they can get :)

CJ Hill said...

Alex, it is lots of fun--and there is chocolate involved, so yeah.

Dove, if you're ever in Arizona when we have it, you're officially invited.

Anonymous said...
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B said... Janette... I don't know if you have linked to this site before during your creepy baby doll posts. If not: enjoy! ;)
Oh. And some lady in my area keeps posting this doll - THIS DOLL- on a local yard sale page and every time she posts it I am SO tempted to buy it and mail it to you. And then you would open it and be so creeped out. It is a very scary doll.

Janette Rallison said...

Wow, the lady at foreverbabies does indeed make her dolls look like real babies. (Although, as with real babies, some are more charming than others) Do you have a link for the scary yard sale doll? Now I'm intrigued.

B said...

Of course, now that I told you about it I cannot find it. I will keep looking. It is dressed as a WIDE awake baby fairy. Wearing purple. I think. And it has curly brown hair, which would be good for you, I think. ;) Will keep you posted.

Janette Rallison said...

Maybe she sold it . . . you never know.