Here is a cute picture of my daughter and her boyfriend. He was just up visiting her and she was quite impressed with his culinary prowess. He made her a dinner of Salmon and Caesar salad. He even made the dressing and the croutons from scratch. Personally, I didn't know you could make croutons from scratch. I thought they grew on a crouton bush or something.
So here is the thing. My daughter is coming home for a visit next month and I'm sure she will be hanging out with the boyfriend quite a bit. I should invite him to have dinner with us . . . Hmmm, should it be the usual Hamburger Helper or perhaps one of those chicken dishes that you slather with cream of mushroom soup and some cheese . . . Hey, if I'd spent the last eleven years cooking dinner I wouldn't have thirteen books to my name. (And technically to my pen name.)
Perhaps we'll just take him out to dinner instead . . .